Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rambling Self Conversations That Are Going Somewhere

Our brains never stop working for very long before the endless streams of thoughts begin to flow in: how do i look, how am i perceived by others, what do i believe, what matters, why should i care, is he or she looking at me, did they notice how hard i tried, do people think i am too intense, is she mad at me, blah, blah, blah, ect.

Our thoughts, the stream of self conversations seem endless.

But what is most essential? I mean I have no clue where i am going with this other than to say that i realize that most of my life is filled with this self talk that begins to shape the way i live my life, how i lead others and what I am saying with the story of my life.

I believe we will live our life out of the overflow of these endless self conversations. It is out of these self conversations from which we will give others advice and direction, and make decisions for our life. So it makes sense that these conversations which are taking place are being shaped in a direction in which we actually want to go.

1 comment:

Emily Branca said...

So stoked you're blogging. Glad I'm not the only one. Love your post!