Wednesday, April 16, 2008


School!!! This is what I do. I am a teacher, and I am taught. I am an educator and I get educated. Nothing is as it seems, and when it is, beware because that just means your in for a surprise! Not to be understood as negative, I absolutely love what I am doing right now. It is everything that I never knew I always wanted and more. And not just at school, life has this sneaky way of teaching lessons you I didn't see coming. I think that is because life is like Chuck Norris.... You see Chuck doesn't sleep...He waits!! And similarly Life does not sleep or rest, it patiently waits and just when your not thinking anything is happening with life...Whack! It sneaks up and roundhouse kicks you in the butt just to prove that patience wins out in the end. Sneaky Life! It just gets me everytime.


Trevor said...

Good Chuck analogy. And you're younger than I thought you were :P

John Miller said...

Heeeyaaaawww!!! BOOT TO THE HEAD!!!