Saturday, April 6, 2013

Synonyms of Perspective

Sometimes the thing we need more than anything is to get a new perspective.

That thing in front of you feels so big and devastating you want to run.  Or perhaps its that marriage, broken relationship, death, family drama, those out of control kids that make you feel like jumping out the nearest window.   Maybe your not ready to jump out the window but you are beginning to feel like the room your standing in is getting smaller and smaller each time that person walks in to it with you.  All the air gets sucked out and you feel like your drowning.  

 What you need to get is another perspective.

Recently I got out of town with my family to visit a family member and stared at the ocean and green hills and valleys of Marin county.  As I stared at the green hills covered in cows and tall grass as far as the eye could see I began to feel small.  The smaller I felt in relationship to the hills and many cows the smaller my problems seemed in comparison to the beauty of the landscape.  I'm not saying that staring at hills and cows will solve all your problems but perhaps getting out of your situation long enough to look at something different might shift your thinking about that thing your in and bring you that fresh breath that keeps you going.  




  1. outlook, attitude, context, angle, overview, way of looking, frame of reference, broad view • The death of my mother gave me a new perspective on life.
  2. objectivity, proportion, relation, relativity, relative importance • helping her to get her problems into perspective
  3. view, scene, prospect, outlook, panorama, vista • stretching away along the perspective of a tree-lined, wide avenue

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