Friday, May 16, 2008

Noah Michael Hayes

You never realize when momentus life changes are about to take place. I have to admit when Toby was born and when Noah was born I did not have an intense emotional response. I did not cry, or even feel that feeling of excitedness which in some ways made me wonder if something was emotionally disfunctional with me (lol). What I love about my Boys is this...Love Comes Softly. That is a title of a corny movie that my wife made me watch but it is nontheless appropriate for my boys. The initial reaction was not of intense emotion or even connection. Don't get me wrong, I was happy and all that, but it was not the emotional reaction that I expected or had heard about.
What I love about this is that it is true to who I am. Nothing really happens quickly with me, and when it comes to matters of the heart I am usually slow to come around and not sure when I did come around. The point is that now that Noah is at home and Toby is running around the house, the emototional response that I initially expected happens almost every day. I love my family and everyday come home and experience the newness of my family in a way that reminds me of the first time experiencing something amazing.


Erica said...

He is such a handsome little guy. I love your family Aaron and Sarah.

Mike Cunningham said...

Congrats dude! You guys rock!

Peter & Sydnee Crawford said...

Hey you guys. You have such a cute family. How have things been going?

Unknown said...

You had a baby? Is that number three? Man, you guys are quick?